Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Artist at Sea Residence

These drawings, paintings and mixed media works began while I was an artist in residence on the Sally Ride, a Scripps vessel conducting research on plankton in the Pacific Ocean in the summer of 2018. This research is a collaboration with the University of Oregon, Oregon State, Humboldt State,  Portland State, NOAA, National Science Foundation and the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. As their artist in residence, I am producing work that blends large-scale painting with digital media projection for an exhibition.

I get my inspiration for art from working in the field. I was out at sea for 10 days traversing East to West back and forth, 24 hours a day off of the coast of Newport, Oregon and then Trinidad Head in Northern California. My main job on board was to be immersed in the work that biologists, scientists and engineers do. Later I began sketching  and creating designs that would juxtapose the microscopic plankton world, with vast ocean horizon; the modern human instruments with the organic specimens and landscapes.

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